
This is a US TV movie about the Shawnee Chief who was killed by US troops in Canada in 1813. Yes, Tecumseh is the hero of it, but his dealings with the British and Canadians are misrepresented to avoid showing any sympathetic redcoats. Only 2 military incidents involving the British are depicted, in both of which the Brits sneak off and let the Shawnees get killed - but to balance this, there's no depiction of Tecumseh's more successful relations with them. When Isaac Brock was killed at Queenston Heights, Tecumseh paid moving tribute to him.

But the spoken narration disposes of most of the War of 1812 in 2 sentences, without showing any of it, or introducing sympathetic allies such as Isaac Brock, or their delicious ruse in capturing Fort Detroit from the Americans. This omission of the climactic campaigns of Tecumseh's career is utterly perverse, and is surely deliberate: because this is a US TV movie.White US audiences seem able to guilt-trip over the historical abuse of the First Nations, but there still seems to be a 'block' on dealing in a balanced fashion with Britain and Canada, or showing themselves being gubbed at Detroit by Brock and Tecumseh together. (After all, this was a war which secured the freedom of Canada from American invaders.) So while Harrison & c. are the villains, so are the British and Canadians: the blurb on the video case goes on about Tecumseh being "betrayed by his allies". Well, it would help if we could see them.

There is no sign of British troops in the battle in which Tecumseh was killed - the Thames in Ontario. In real-life, the forces engaged were: British/Canadian/Loyal First Nations: 880 regulars and about 1000 Native Americans; US: 4,500 regulars and militia. The film also has the dead chief being given proper burial by his people. That is one version: another tradition is decidedly less tasteful, but sadly more plausible, involving trinkets being made from his skin by the Americans - but that is not confronted.

While Hollywood can now bring itself to be more sensitive to the sensibilities of Native American audiences, even to the point of being a tad sentimental, it seems that offending British and Canadian audiences is still acceptable.

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